Slab Repair

Concrete slabs are the backbone that support most modern buildings today. They are often used for floors and ceilings in both domestic and industrial buildings alike. Once cracks start to form; however, it is only a matter of time before slab repairs are needed to bring the concrete foundation back to its former glory. When you start to notice damage, we recommend slab repairs immediately. Before further structural damages can occur, that could put you in danger. If not dealt with quickly, overtime repair costs will only begin to raise.

Cracked Slabs

A cracked concrete slab will only cause trouble and headaches for everyone involved. Doors won’t shut properly, windows will refuse to completely close, and cracks will suddenly start to appear on the interior walls of your residence. Rainy summers and freezing winters only cause cracks to widen over time, and uneven soil can cause cracks in the foundation to expand only at a faster rate. When the ground is unable to support the structure above, additional support is needed to prevent further damage. The opposite can also occur in new homes; concrete shrinkage can happen when concrete slabs haven’t had proper time to thoroughly dry before being built upon. Within six months, cracks can start to show up on the exteriors of your home when concrete shrinkage occurs.

Foundation Leveling

If you begin to notice cracks on the walls, that may signal that foundation repairs may be needed shortly. When the concrete slabs that support buildings cracks. The foundation of the building can cause the support beams of your home to shift. When this occurs, foundation releveling is needed to set the structure straight. This process will take a few days and well require new steel rebar and concrete to be poured to level out the foundation. Save yourself the headache and once you notice cracks around your residence. Contact a professional about potential foundation repairs before the damage goes too far.

Settling Problems

Let us set the record straight now all buildings and homes will start to settle; eventually, the real question is when it will begin to settle? The most common cause of a building settling is during construction no enough soil was backfilled to support the structure. Aside from this water damage is the second biggest cause that starts the process. Once settling starts, it can cause cracks to start forming in the foundation and on the walls of the building. Both quickly become an eyesore and a headache for those living in the building


A cracked concrete slab foundation can spell trouble for the average homeowner. However, with proper preparation cracks, and shifting of the foundation that can cause the building to become unlevel can be prevented. Make sure that the drainage systems leading away from your home are in working condition. This system is the best method to avoid any concrete cracks from forming in the foundation of your home. Repairs can often be avoided as long as maintenance and inspection are done regularly to homes with a history of foundation problems. We can also help you to repair pier and beam.
